Now that our hosts are fully setup on UK servers, who is burning up the track this week in Sydney?

Speed Test – Week 165 Method

  • Compare 6 WordPress Hosts
  • Use 6 Live Sites, each with a Different Host but with Identical Content (you can check them out here)
  • Use GTmetrix Speed Test

GTmetrix Logo

  • Host Server Location: UK
  • Location of Test: Sydney, Australia
  • Plugins Installed: None
  • Frequency of Testing: Every Hour for 7 Days
  • Number of Weekly Tests = 1 x24 x7 x6 = 1,008 (xHours xDays xSites)
  • Speed Testing is checking how long it takes for a website to fully load using a desktop internet browser

Which WordPress Host will conquer the Speed Test this week? 


WordPress Hosts

Identical Live Sites

Weekly Tests

SiteGround Weekly Speed Results

SiteGround Speed Dashboard & Load Time Chart

Lightning Base Weekly Speed Results

Lightning Base Speed Dashboard & Load Time Chart

flywheel Weekly Speed Results

Flywheel Speed Dashboard & Load Time Chart

kinsta Weekly Speed Results

Kinsta Speed Dashboard & Load Time Chart

pressidium Weekly Speed Results

Pressidium Speed Dashboard & Load Time Chart

wp engine Weekly Speed Results

WP Engine Speed Dashboard & Load Time Chart

SPeed Test – Week 165 Summary Table

The fastest host this week in Sydney is Kinsta with an impressive time of 1.71s.

With our 4 new premium hosts on board in 2019, Kinsta dominated early with fastest load time across 4 of the first 5 weeks of testing. Then Flywheel took over, claiming the fastest host honors in 4 of the next 5 weeks.

When we changed the host’s server location from USA to Canada, Flywheel & Kinsta continued to perform well. Kinsta recorded the fastest average speed across 5 weeks, while Flywheel was fastest 3 times.

This marks our 5th week where our hosts are on UK servers, and Kinsta have been most impressive, recording the fastest load time 4 out of the 5 weeks. 

And its great to see our budget host Lightning Base competing with our premiums. To be able to record a faster times than 1 premium in Pressidium without the assistance of WP Rocket is impressive indeed.

For next week’s test, I will change up the test location from Sydney to Dallas, plus with install WP Rocket for each host. I wonder whether SiteGround & Lightning Base will experience their usual performance boost?

Speed Test Results - Summary Table - Week 165

And this Week’s Winner is…

Speed Rankings

With 20 weeks of testing on USA & Canadian servers now complete, click below to find out which host proved to be the fastest so far in 2019

Which host is Fastest in 2019?