Let’s try to navigate our way through the maze of installing WordPress with DreamHost.
To help guide you through the installation process, we have created a step by step tutorial that shows how we setup DreamHost on one of our Live Test Sites (wpdingo.biz) in March 2016. We hope you find it beneficial!
How to Install WordPress for DreamHost
Step 1: Choose your hosting plan with DreamHost and complete the order process.
Step 2: Straight after the order has completed, the first screen that pops up is shown below. Click “Continue to Your Web Panel”.
Step 3: The first message we see in the Dashboard tells us the account is pending. We need to wait until we see an email (DreamHost Account Approval Notification) confirming it is approved. Then click the link to the Web Panel.
Step 4: We can now start installing WordPress. Click “Show me where to go” below Install WordPress or another app.
Step 5: Then click “One-Click Installs” to get things rolling.
Step 9: We then need to wait 10 minutes, until an email (Success installing WordPress on your site) comes through from DreamHost. We now need to create an admin user, so click the link ending with “install.php”.
Step 11: Choose a title that suits the site your going to setup. You can always change this at any time from your WordPress Dashboard once the install is complete.
Step 12: Complete the username, password & email. For security purposes, it is recommended to use a password generator.
Step 13: Click Install WordPress.
Step 14: Success, WordPress is installed. Click Log In.
Step 15: You should then see a Log In page. Enter your Username & Password from Step 12 and click Log In.
If your Log In page shows a Coming Soon generic page from your Domain Provider, there’s an extra step below.
Step 16: (Optional) For those with Coming Soon pages, go to your emails and find the DreamHost Account Approval Notification email.
Half way down this email you will find 3 DNS records (shown below) that need to be added to your Domain Providers Admin Portal.
Look for Nameservers, and replace the existing records (which are usually ns1.yourdomainprovider.com & ns2.yourdomainprovider.com etc.) with the 3 records DreamHost has provided in the email.
Please be aware that changes to DNS records can take up to 24-48 hours, so unfortunately, you might see the coming soon page for a little while.
If you have any questions about this tutorial on Installing WordPress with DreamHost, please feel free to ask in the comments below and I will try my best to answer them 🙂