As part of the Speed Study on ShortPixel, the following steps were completed to setup the ShortPixel Image Optimizer plugin…

ShortPixel Tutorial – Step by Step

Step 1: Before we dive into installing ShortPixel, we currently have Kraken setup, we first need to turn this off by clicking Deactivate.

Deactivate Kraken Plugin - Screenshot 1

Step 2: Now let’s click Add New Plugin. Then type into the search bar ShortPixel.

Step 3: Wait a moment until you see the ShortPixel Image Optimizer plugin display. Then click Install Now.

Install ShortPixel Image Optimizer Plugin - Screenshot 2

Step 4: Next click Activate.

Activate ShortPixel Plugin - Screenshot 3

Step 5: Once it’s activated, it’s time to setup the ShortPixel account and the API Key. Confirm your email address is correct and click Request Key.

ShortPixel API Key - Screenshot 4

Step 6: Good stuff, the account is setup. Simply copy the API Key and paste into the WordPress ShortPixel Settings page and click Validate.

Source of ShortPixel API Key

ShortPixel API Details - Screenshot 5

Enter ShortPixel API Key in WordPress

Enter ShortPixel API Key - Screenshot 6

Step 7: Now with ShortPixel validated, lets get into optimizing our images. We will maintain the default settings and click “Save and Go to Bulk Process”.

ShortPixel Settings - Screenshot 7

Step 8: We now see the number of images that are currently within our WordPress site. There is an option to uncheck the thumbnails. Please note that the free account for ShortPixel allows 100 images per month.

Step 9: Then click Start Optimizing.

Start Bulk Optimization of Images - Screenshot 8

ShortPixel Image Optimization Summary

ShortPixel Image Optimization Results - Screenshot 9


If you have any questions about this ShortPixel Tutorial, please feel free to ask in the comments below and I will try my best to answer them 🙂