With our new premium hosts going well, lets mix things up by adding WP Rocket into the mix. Which host will hold the trophy aloft this week in Dallas?
Speed Test – Week 146 Method
- Compare 6 WordPress Hosts
- Use 6 Live Sites, each with a Different Host but with Identical Content (you can check them out here)
- Use GTmetrix Speed Test
- Location of Test: Dallas, USA
- Plugins Installed: WP Rocket
- Frequency of Testing: Every Hour for 7 Days
- Number of Weekly Tests = 1 x24 x7 x6 = 1,008 (xHours xDays xSites)
- Speed Testing is checking how long it takes for a website to fully load using a desktop internet browser
Which WordPress Host will conquer the Speed Test this week?
WordPress Hosts
Identical Live Sites
Weekly Tests
SiteGround Weekly Speed Results
Lightning Base Weekly Speed Results
flywheel Weekly Speed Results
kinsta Weekly Speed Results
pressidium Weekly Speed Results
wp engine Weekly Speed Results
Speed Test – Week 146 Summary Table
The fastest host this week in Dallas is Flywheel with a time of 1.152s.
It’s still early days with our 4 new premium hosts, but Kinsta continues to be up the front of the pack. We have now completed 6 weeks of testing so far in 2019 and Kinsta has been the fastest 4 out of the 6 weeks, which includes missing out on 1st this week by just 0.001s.
The other element to observe this week is the influence WP Rocket has had on our hosts. If we look back to Week 141 results (where the same test was conducted from Dallas, just without WP Rocket), the rankings are basically the same. The difference is the gap to our budget hosts has decreased significantly, with SiteGround experiencing the biggest improvement with WP Rocket on board.
For next week’s test, I will change up our testing location to London as we continue with WP Rocket. I wonder whether we will see similar step change improvements from our budget hosts SiteGround & Lightning Base?
And this Week’s Winner is…

Speed Rankings
With our new hosts yet to achieve enough results to summarise, feel free to check out how our previous hosts performed over the course of 3 years of testing.