With W3 Total Cache added to MaxCDN & Cloudflare, which host is proving to be most reliable this week in Europe?

Uptime Test – Week 88 Method

  • Compare 8 WordPress Hosts
  • Use 8 Live Sites, each with a Different Host but with Identical Content (you can check them out here)
  • Use Pingdom Uptime Test

Pingdom Logo

  • Location of Test: 10 European Locations
  • Frequency of Testing: Every Minute across the Last 7 Days
  • Number of Weekly Tests = 1 x60 x24 x7 x8 = 80,640 (xMinutes xHours xDays xSites)
  • Uptime testing is confirming that the website is actually accessible to visitors
  • An example of why an outage (or downtime) can occur is scheduled maintenance of the server the website is hosted on

Which WordPress Hosts can ace the uptime test this week?

WordPress Hosts

Identical Live Sites

Weekly Tests

SiteGround Weekly Uptime Results

SiteGround Uptime Dashboard & Response Time Chart

Namecheap Weekly Uptime Results

Namecheap Uptime Dashboard & Response Time Chart

GoDaddy Weekly Uptime Results

GoDaddy Uptime Dashboard & Response Time Chart

Lightning Base Weekly Uptime Results

Lightning Base Uptime Dashboard & Response Time Chart

InMotion Hosting Weekly Uptime Results

InMotion Hosting Uptime Dashboard & Response Time Chart

HostGator Weekly Uptime Results

HostGator Uptime Dashboard & Response Time Chart

Bluehost Weekly Uptime Results

Bluehost Uptime Dashboard & Response Time Chart

Web Hosting Hub Weekly Uptime Results

Web Hosting Hub Uptime Dashboard & Response Time Chart

Uptime Test – Week 88 Summary Table

Our hosts have recorded a solid uptime performance this week, with 4 hosts achieving the ultimate goal of 100% Uptime (5 hosts achieved 100% in Week 87):

  1. Lightning Base
  2. SiteGround
  3. Bluehost
  4. Web Hosting Hub

This week’s best performer in Europe is Lightning Base, with a perfect uptime and the fastest average response time of 352ms.

The last time we tested from Europe with MaxCDN, Cloudflare & WP Super Cache setup (in Week 85), the average response time across our 8 hosts was 1,543ms, while this week with W3 Total Cache replacing WP Super Cache, it is significantly faster at 458ms.

This is the second week of our MaxCDN, Cloudflare & W3 Total Cache Speed Study and W3 Total Cache is clearly outpointing WP Super Cache when it comes to our host’s response times.

Next week we will change up our testing location to Asia Pacific. Will W3 Total Cache continue it’s dominance, or will WP Super Cache prove to be better in Asia?

Uptime Test Results - Week 88 Summary Table

And this Week’s Winner is…

Uptime Rankings

After 18 months of testing, let’s summarize all the results to see how our 8 hosts are performing overall. It will also allow us to find out which host is currently leading our uptime challenge.

Which host has the Best Uptime after 18 Months?