As part of the Speed Study on Kraken, the following steps were completed to setup the Kraken Image Optimizer plugin…

Kraken Tutorial – Step by Step

Step 1: Before we dive into our WordPress backend, we first need to setup an account on the Kraken website. So lets navigate to and click on Get Start for Free. Enter your email address and a password, then click Sign Up. You will receive an email like the screenshot below, click Confirm my Email Address. You should then see a green bar indicating we’re all setup!

Setup a Kraken Account - Screenshot 1
Kraken Account now Verified - Screenshot 2

Step 2: Now let’s jump into WordPress. As we currently have EWWW setup, we first need to turn this off by clicking Deactivate.

Deactivate EWWW Image Optimizer Plugin - Screenshot 3

Step 3: Now click Add New Plugin. Then type into the search bar Kraken.

Step 4: Wait a moment until you see the Kraken Image Optimizer plugin display. Then click Install Now.

Install Kraken Plugin - Screenshot 4

Step 5: Next click Activate.

Activate Kraken Plugin - Screenshot 5

Step 6: Once it’s activated, click through to Settings.

Kraken Settings - Screenshot 6

Steps 7 & 8: At the top of the settings page is where we enter the API Key & API Secret. Get both of these from your Kraken account, simply navigate to the API Dashboard page.

Please note that the rest of the settings have been kept at the default option. Then click Save All at the bottom of the page.

Source of Kraken API Details

Kraken API Details from within Kraken Account - Screenshot 7

Enter Kraken API Details in WordPress

Enter Kraken API Details - Screenshot 8

Step 9: Now with Kraken all setup, lets get into optimizing our images. Within WordPress, head over to the Media Library, and click the checkbox to select all images.

Note: The test sites that I am using are quite small and only have a few images. Please be aware that the Kraken account requires payment once you have used the initial free 100MB, so selectively choose the images that you want optimized on your site.

Step 10: Choose “Krak ’em all” from the dropdown, then click Apply

Choose Images to Optimize - Screenshot 9

Step 11: The images to be optimized are then displayed. Click Krak ’em all.

Start Bulk Optimization of Images - Screenshot 10

Step 12: The results of the optimization process is then displayed. Click Done to complete.

Kraken Results - Screenshot 11

Kraken Image Optimization Summary

Kraken Image Optimization Results - Screenshot 12


If you have any questions about this Kraken Tutorial, please feel free to ask in the comments below and I will try my best to answer them 🙂