Now that our new premium hosts are ready to roll, which host is showing lightning speed this week in London?
Speed Test – Week 142 Method
- Compare 6 WordPress Hosts
- Use 6 Live Sites, each with a Different Host but with Identical Content (you can check them out here)
- Use GTmetrix Speed Test
- Location of Test: London, UK
- Plugins Installed: None
- Frequency of Testing: Every Hour for 7 Days
- Number of Weekly Tests = 1 x24 x7 x6 = 1,008 (xHours xDays xSites)
- Speed Testing is checking how long it takes for a website to fully load using a desktop internet browser
Which WordPress Host will conquer the Speed Test this week?
WordPress Hosts
Identical Live Sites
Weekly Tests
SiteGround Weekly Speed Results
Lightning Base Weekly Speed Results
flywheel Weekly Speed Results
kinsta Weekly Speed Results
pressidium Weekly Speed Results
wp engine Weekly Speed Results
Speed Test – Week 142 Summary Table
For the 2nd week in a row, the fastest host is Kinsta with a time of 1.24s.
It’s early days with our 4 new premium hosts, but it is interesting to see Kinsta & Pressidium pull away from the pack in London.
For next week’s test, I will change up our testing location to Mumbai. I wonder whether Kinsta & Pressidium will continue to dominate in India?
And this Week’s Winner is…

Speed Rankings
With our new hosts yet to achieve enough results to summarise, feel free to check out how our previous hosts performed over the course of 3 years of testing.
Your slogan “Digging Deeper into WordPress Hosts” is for real and not only a catching slogan!!! Your service surpass them all! By taking part of your information provided, I have been able to make the right decision regarding hosting and cache.
The new premium hosts comparison with Lightningbase and Sitegrounde is fantastic!
Thanks Richard for such encouraging feedback. Yeah, I’m really looking forward to seeing how Lightning Base & SiteGround compare to our new premium hosts going forward 🙂