With our hosts on Canadian servers and WP Rocket on board, lets find out whose tearing it up this week in London?
Speed Test – Week 157 Method
- Compare 6 WordPress Hosts
- Use 6 Live Sites, each with a Different Host but with Identical Content (you can check them out here)
- Use GTmetrix Speed Test
- Host Server Location: Canada
- Location of Test: London, UK
- Plugins Installed: WP Rocket
- Frequency of Testing: Every Hour for 7 Days
- Number of Weekly Tests = 1 x24 x7 x6 = 1,008 (xHours xDays xSites)
- Speed Testing is checking how long it takes for a website to fully load using a desktop internet browser
Which WordPress Host will conquer the Speed Test this week?
WordPress Hosts
Identical Live Sites
Weekly Tests
SiteGround Weekly Speed Results
Lightning Base Weekly Speed Results
flywheel Weekly Speed Results
kinsta Weekly Speed Results
pressidium Weekly Speed Results
wp engine Weekly Speed Results
Speed Test – Week 157 Summary Table
The fastest host this week in London is Kinsta with a time of 1.18s.
With our 4 new premium hosts on board in 2019, Kinsta dominated early with fastest load time across 4 of the first 5 weeks of testing. Then Flywheel took over, claiming the fastest host honors in 4 of the next 5 weeks.
Since we’ve changed our host’s server location from USA to Canada, Flywheel & Kinsta have continued to perform well. It’s now been 7 weeks of testing and Kinsta has been fastest 3 times, while Flywheel has been fastest twice.
When we look into this week’s results in more detail, we see Kinsta, Pressidium and Flywheel have all performed brilliantly!! WP Engine was a bit off the pace, which is slightly disappointing given they round out our premium hosts. SiteGround have had an exceptional week considering their a budget host, only just behind our premiums. While Lightning Base are well off the pace this week in London.
For next week’s test, I will change up the location to Mumbai. Will Lightning Base be able to turn things around in India?
And this Week’s Winner is…

Speed Rankings
With 10 weeks of testing on USA servers now complete, click below to find out which host proved to be the fastest so far in 2019.