Uptime Test – Week 178 Method
- Compare 6 WordPress Hosts
- Use 6 Live Sites, each with a Different Host but with Identical Content (you can check them out here)
- Use Pingdom Uptime Test
- Location of Host Server: India
- Location of Test: 10 Asia Pacific Locations
- Plugins Installed: WP Rocket
- Frequency of Testing: Every Minute across the Last 7 Days
- Number of Weekly Tests = 1 x60 x24 x7 x6 = 60,480 (xMinutes xHours xDays xSites)
- Uptime testing is confirming that the website is actually accessible to visitors
- An example of why downtime might occur is scheduled maintenance of the server the website is hosted on
Which WordPress Hosts can ace the uptime test this week?
WordPress Hosts
Identical Live Sites
Weekly Tests
SiteGround Weekly Uptime Results
LIGHTNING BASE Weekly Uptime Results
flywheel Weekly Uptime Results
kinsta Weekly Uptime Results
Pressidium Weekly Uptime Results
WP ENGINE Weekly Uptime Results
Uptime Test – Week 178 Summary Table
Our hosts have recorded a perfect performance this week, with all 6 hosts achieving the ultimate goal of 100% Uptime (5 hosts achieved 100% in Week 177):
- Lightning Base
- WP Engine
- Pressidium
- SiteGround
- Kinsta
- Flywheel
This week’s best performer in Asia Pacific is Lightning Base, combining a perfect uptime with the fastest average response time of 569ms.
We have now completed 38 weeks of testing with our 4 new premium hosts. This marks the 8th week that we’ve tested from Indian based host servers, and the 3rd week that plugin caching support of WP Rocket has been turned on.
Lightning Base is definitely the star performer of this week, not just because their fastest, but most impressively because their a budget host. The goal for our budget hosts would be to try to keep up with the premium hosts, but to outperform is quite stunning!!
Our other budget host, SiteGround, has also performed solidly, plus experienced the largest speed improvement thanks to the addition of WP Rocket. In Week 173 without WP Rocket, SiteGround’s response time was 1,450ms, while this week it significantly stepped up to 786ms.
For next week’s test, I will change up the test location from Asia Pacific to North America. Can Lightning Base & SiteGround continue to fly the budget host flag or will our premiums respond?
And this Week’s Winner is…
Uptime Rankings
With 30 weeks of testing on USA, UK & Canadian servers now complete, click below to find out which host proved to be most reliable so far in 2019.